Dynamics Crm 2013 Reporting Extensions Plus Zig

Installing Dynamics CRM 2013 Reporting Extensions Roshan Mehta, 16 September 2013 In my previous post, we looked at how to install the Dynamics CRM 2013 Server. In this post, we will take a look at the CRM 2013 Reporting Extensions installation process.

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Dynamics Crm 2013 Reporting Extensions Plus Zig

Please note that this installation is for the CRM 2013 Beta edition and may change for the final release. Step 1 – Get Updates It is recommended that you get the latest updates for CRM Reporting Extensions. Step 2 – Accept License Agreement Step 3 – Specify SQL Server Specify the computer where the SQL Server that holds the MSCRM_CONFIG database is installed.

Step 4 – Specify SSRS Instance Specify the name of the SQL instance where SQL Server Reporting Services is installed. Step 5 – Select Installation Directory Specify the folder location where you want to install CRM Reporting Extensions or let the setup program install it to the default location. Step 6 – System Checks Multiple checks will be performed to ensure that all settings and configuration are correct before proceeding with the installation. If any of the checks fail, you can correct them and then run the CRM Reporting Extensions setup again. Step 7 – Service Disruption Warning This step indicates which services may be stopped or restarted during installation.

Step 8 – Ready to Install After clicking on Install, the setup program will run through the full installation for CRM Reporting Extensions. If any issues occur, you must correct then and then restart the setup program, or click on Retry if the option is available.

Oh, I'm sorry.I thought you wanted Charts and the results as well.OK here are the steps: 1. Place a Subgrid on the form with the view that you will be using for the chart. Notice how on the grid properties how you can select a chart to be displayed (instead of a grid) at the bottom.

Here is a screenshot of a chart I just added to the Account form detailing the Sales Pipeline for Opene Opportunities regarding that Account: Please mark this post as the answer if it allowed you to achieve what you were looking for.:) Good Luck!