Rocket League Steamworks Fix Update Problem
Hi, I'm trying to make the steamworks Fix compatible with my CPY save game. First I had edited username in CPY.ini so that the save game appears in%SystemDrive%/Users/%UserName%/Documents/CPY_SAVES/%PlayerName%/%AppId% Where PlayerName = the one I put in CPY.ini. Then I tested steamworks Fix which asked me to create a new save game.
So I decided to edit the file. I put these lines: CPY steam ID = xxxxx to match the steam ID given in CPY.ini then: SaveType = 7 to match the savepath of CPY. However it's not only%SystemDrive%/Users/%UserName%/Documents/CPY_SAVES/%AppId% like mentionned in REVOLT.ini but%SystemDrive%/Users/%UserName%/Documents/CPY_SAVES/CPY/%AppId% where the CPY is normally the PlayerName we give in CPY.ini. Is there a way to put the good PlayerName somewhere in REVOLT.ini so that it make the path I need?
Second question: When everything works fine. I always disappointed to see a new file%Name of the game%.xxxxx.STEAMSTART.exe (where xxxxx seems to be a random number).
To change language with Steamworks Fix open cream April 30 Update 1.13.12452. In this update we have included a new lighting system with Color Grading and Bloom.
Is there a way to avoid that behavior? Third question: I tried to do it backward. Changed my PlayerName back to CPY in the CPY.ini. However when I play without the RVTFix, It says that the save game is corrupt. ==>Do you have some trick so that I can play with and without RVTFix on the same CPY saved game?
I tried everything I can (steam id and community id work the same in REVOLT.ini) but it seems that saved games are not matching CPY versions. Motogp 3 Ultimate Racing Technology Pc Game. It's with the game F1 2015. No I can't move my saved game, they don't match.
If I move the saved game from my solo CPY ==>When I start a game with RVTFix I have corrupt save game. If I move the saved game from RVTFix into my solo CPY ==>When I start a solo CPY I have corrupt save game. I know that the steamID in CPY.ini is a community ID.
But I saw that RVTFix doesn't have any problem with that. If I create a save game in RVT with the community ID and then change the community ID to the linked steam ID. There is no problem with the RVTFix save game when I launch it from the RVT. It's always If I try CPY solo with a RVTFix save game or RVT multi with a CPY save game that the problem occurs. I know that I don't need CPY.ini with RVT. But I use RVT only for multi and CPY for my solo championship (So I just swap between the two steamapi64.dll). As far as I've seen, even if I put back CPY as PlayerName in CPY.ini.
When I try solo game ==>save game corrupt. So there is something different written by RVT in the profile save game which make the save game not compatible if I want to use it with CPY only. I first though it was Username but after testing with the default CPY Playername, it's not the case.
So it's something different. If you have any idea.
I will be thankful. It might come from the line I put 'CPY steam id = xxxxx' Even if I replace the 'xxxxx' by the community ID or linked steam id (it doesn't matter), the save game work for RVT uses but not with CPY solo. If I then replace the line by 'SteamUserID = xxxxx' Then the RVT save game becomes corrupt and I need to create a new one. So I don't know how RVT interpret these lines when it creates the save game. And also it seems that RVT uses Playername CPY as default and I don't see where I can change it ==>every save game by RVT go to CPY_saves/CPY/app_id/.
When I should be able to choose a Playername so that the save folder becomes my Playername (CPY_saves/%PlayerName%/app_id/).
Rocket League, the hyper-powered sequel to Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, is an arena-based, futuristic vehicle sports game that will test your driving and stunting skills like never before. Take matters into your own hands in this visceral, high-octane, physics-based vehicle sports game that lets you choose one of a variety of high-flying cars equipped with huge rocket boosters. Soar high into the air to score amazing aerial goals, perform incredible saves using the vehicles’ acrobatic abilities, and even demolish enemy players at supersonic speeds!
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Limited Edition items (Carriage Wheels, Holiday Rocket Trails, etc) will not appear if your car does not have a decal equipped Without a decal equipped, the limited edition items will revert back to their standard/OEM counterparts [PC] With bloom off and light shafts on, a second player in splitscreen will see light shafts mirrored onto their screen With the video options Bloom set to Off, and Light Shafts On, the second player will see the first player’s rendered light shafts mirrored onto their screen. [Xbox One] Players who are using exclusive Rocket Trails in cross-network matches will not show a Rocket Trail or will it emit any sounds The Xbox One exclusive Rocket Trails don’t have stand-in boosts similar to how the Sweet Tooth shows up as Merc in-game.
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After failing to join a private match, the second search will not follow through If you press enter to join a private match and it fails, pressing enter/clicking join after making any changes will just close the Name/Pass UI instead of searching. Have a problem? Report your issues (with as much detail as possible) via.