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In economics, a durable good or a hard good is a good that does not quickly wear out, or more specifically, one that yields utility over time rather than being completely consumed in one use. Items like bricks could be considered perfectly durable goods because they should theoretically never wear out. Highly durable goods such as refrigerators, cars, or mobile phones usually continue to be useful for 3 or more years of use,[1] so durable goods are typically characterized by long periods between successive purchases. Examples of consumer durable goods include automobiles, books, household goods (home appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, tools,etc.), sports equipment, jewelry, medical equipment, firearms, and toys. The life span of household goods is significant for sustainable consumption.[4] The longer product life spans could contribute to eco-efficiency and sufficiency, thus, slowing consumption in order to progress towards a sustainable consumption.[5] Cooper (2005) [5] proposed a model to demonstrate the crucial role of product life spans to sustainable production and consumption.
Durability as a characteristic relating to the quality of goods, that can be demanded by consumers, was not clear until an amendment of the law relating to the quality standards for supplied goods in 1994[5].
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